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Cool Links

Spriteclad.com: Sprite's original Neocities page was one of the big inspirations for me to make this page, and although they are no longer on Neocities, their website's smorgasbord of content is still something that I aspire to.

The Yoshi Clubhouse: Nintendo fansites, and especially Mario fansites, and double especially Yoshi fansites, were a major part of my early internet years, and this website just takes me back to those times in such a perfect and earnest way.

Sites That Talk About Old Stuff

The Digital Antiquarian: A site devoted to talking about the history of computer games, starting from the very beginning. And I do mean the very beginning, starting with the original version of Oregon Trail. The site also spends time talking about the new technology and computer types as they become relevant. Although the games the site covers are weighted toward adventure and interactive fiction games, the site does cast a fairly wide net.

Daniel's Legacy Computer Collection: A site filled with information and screenshots for software on a variety of old operating systems. Some of the screenshot galleries are quite exhaustive, especially the screenshot galleries in the Microsoft Bob exhibit, which is the highlight of the website.

Pop Arena's Nick Knacks Series: A series of videos that aims to provide commentary on every single show that was ever hosted on Nickelodeon, ever, going in chronological order. As daunting a task as it is, Pop Arena is going at a pretty decent clip, getting into 1984 after making videos for only two years. If that sounds like sarcasm, I promise that it isn't; I love this series, and while I am sure everyone is waiting for them to get into the Nicktoons era, learning about the awkward starting years of Nickelodeon/Pinwheel has beem a real eye opener.

The Club Nintendo Archive: At the crossroads of my love of archiving old content and my love of Nintendo sites is the Club Nintendo Archive. This site is dedicated to Club Nintendo, a UK Magazine that has slipped through the cracks of history.

Old Sites that I Like

RPG Classics Shrines: If I'm playing an old RPG or Adventure game, the first thing I check is if it has a shrine on RPG Classics. They're a lot more personable than GameFAQs, and they were HTML formatted a full decade before GameFAQs did it. Also, no very few ads!

The PokeGods Project: Back before we were able to easily tear video games apart for all their secrets in half an hour, there were some ridiculous rumors to be found, especially centered around Pokemon Red and Blue. This page covers the phenomenon quite handily; one caveat is that it sometimes seems to go down, but since it's just a static page you can pop the url into the wayback machine and you should be all set.

Japanese Nintendo Sites Archive: For a good long while, Nintendo of Japan kept an archive of all of the minisites they made for their games, going all the way back to the SNES and original Gameboy. The sites were finally taken down a few years ago, but since they are very simple in design they were very easy to archive compared to the Macromedia Shockwave stuffed sites NoA had made. It's fun to skim through them and find promotional art for a game that was never used anywhere else or other fun things like that.